Mahatma gandhi pictures

Mahatma Gandhi by Winston & Rohan

  • Born

    Gandhi was born in India.
  • Period: to


  • Went to London

    Went to London
    In 1888 at his uncles urging/ Gandhi left his wife at home and went to London to study the law.
  • Left India

    Gandhi’s brother knew of a law firm in south Africa needed a lawyer and so in1893 Gandhi and his wife left India.
  • Dutch Govt. Act

    On Aug /22/1906 the Dutch Government passed the Act / which deprived black and white people of their civil right.
  • Gandhi went back to India in 1915.

  • Gandhi was in jail.

    Gandhi was in jail.
  • Struggle

    Gandhi continued his struggle for India’s freedom through nonviolent disobedience to British rule.
  • On the evening Jan/36/1948 Gandhi died.