When was he born and when did he die?
He was born 2 the october of 1869, in Porbandar (India) and was assassinated the 30 of January of 1948, in New Delhi (India). -
What profession did he have?
Was a journalist, activist, politician, philosopher and lawyer, he was very intelligent and had many jobs that he performed during what he lived. -
Why did he fight?
Main architect of the independence of his country (1947), he was the most prominent figure in the political and social scene of India during the first half of the twentieth century and one of the most influential personalities in contemporary history. As a valuable legacy of his activity aimed at the good of his compatriots and the independence of his country in the framework of an extraordinary philanthropic and humanitarian conception has remained his work titled. -
What did he get?
He got the independence of India never used violence, his dilemma was not to violence. 'There is no path to peace, peace is the way' is the phrase that sums up his struggle for freedom. -
Cause of his death and who killed him?
The killer was Nathuram Godse. He assassinated on January 30, 1948, Mahatma Gandhi, one of the leading figures in the Indian independence movement against Britain. It was killed by those who were against the independence of India and were against Gandhi.