
colonial Influences


    A document that limited the power of the king and to protects nobles. written by English nobility.
  • mayflower Compact

    mayflower Compact
    Mayflower compact was created among a group of individuals to protect the rights of the colonist. it was written by a group of English pilgrims.
  • English bill Of Rights

    English bill Of Rights
    E.B.R is a government document that expanded the parliaments and the right of the people. it was written by English parliament.
  • Common Sense

    Common Sense
    A Pamphlet was written to convince american colonist to support their independence from England. it was written by a colonial journalist.
  • Catos Letter

    Catos Letter
    Cato's Letters is a collection of ideas from newspaper to convince people to support the freedom of expression and fight the British government. written by 2 unknown journalists.