Magna Carta

  • May 6, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    Kling John gave land to nobles but they thought he was abusing his powers and taxint the to much. So they made him sign the Magna Carta forcing him to obey the laws and limiting his powers.
  • Jan 1, 1300

    Bicameral parliament created in England

    Bicameral parliament created in England
    Henry lll met regularly with a group of citizens for advise and help governing.
  • Glorious Revolution

    in 1688 Parliament removed king James from power and gave the throne to William and Mary
  • English Bill of Rights

    Parliament wanted to be sure that no king or Queen could ever try to take back their power and become too powerful.
  • Boston Tea Party Protesting Britain's rule

  • U.S. Declares independence from Britian

  • Articles of Confederation is approved

  • Shays Rebellion

  • The Great Compromise

  • Constitutional Convention

  • America divided: Federalists and Anti - Federalists

  • United States Constitution is ratified