Aug 18, 1480
Ferdinand Magellan
We do not know Ferdinand Magellan's exact date of birth, but he was born in 1480 in Portugal. The town he was born in was called Sabros. -
Period: Aug 19, 1480 to Aug 19, 1525
Magellen's Trip
Aug 18, 1506
His first exploration
In 1506 Ferdinand Magellan went to the spice islands, which is also called Indonesia. -
Aug 18, 1510
In 1510 he was promoted to caption of his ship. -
Aug 18, 1512
Stationed, to make since.
He was stationed in Morocco and made preliminary plans to find a western shortcut. -
Aug 19, 1517
Making deals with King Charles 1
He renounced his Portugeese citezenship, He offered his suvices to King Charles 1 of Spain. King Charles agreed to fincance Magellen's trip in the hopes of becoming the king of the ritchest nation in the world. -
Aug 19, 1517
He got married to his wife Maria Caldera Beatriz Barbosa. They were married, until his death. -
Sep 20, 1519
Setting sail.
Magellen and 237 crew members set sail on five ships from Sanlucar De Barraneda. They were trying to find a short cut to spice islands. -
Dec 19, 1519
Rio De Janeiro
Megellan and his cre, still had not found the spice islands, but they had already discovered Reo De Janeiro. They traded with the natives and recieved more supplies, and got more supplies for the trip. Shortly after they had set sail, there was an unexpeceted toll on the five ships, many men were excuted for revellion. There was also a shortage on food. -
Oct 19, 1520
Still on the Search, but Getting Worse
They were officlly very low on food, many people had died. Because of the shortage of food, they were forced to eat rats, maggots, saw dust, and leather. Twenty of the men had died from lack of vitamin C, also many had died due to starvation. -
Mar 6, 1521
Looking Up
The men had finally reached the Island of Guam. They were able to collect new food, and clean their water, but there were also many attacks from the natives. After a few days on the land, they had to set sail again, but they diecded that they were giving up their search for the Spice Islands. They were now going to the Philippines Islands. -
Apr 27, 1521
The End of the Line
The war between the natives and the crews had finially ended, due to the death of Magellan. Most of the crew had escaped with minor injuries, and had set sail, once again. -
May 19, 1521
The Landing
They landed in the Philippen Islands, and met the natives and were trying to convert them to Christianity, however on the attempt to convert the cheif to Christianity, the cheif became upset, and shot an arrow through his foot. So, Magellen ordered all of his men to attack. -
Sep 8, 1522
Back Home
The 18 men that survived the entire trip finally completed their trip around the world.