Period: to
Green house Effects
I will hopefully being using League Gothic text as I believe it has a proffessional and bold which will help it stand out if it was to be published -
Design Plan
For this I'm going to add a different vibe to the stucture of the front cover to help it stand out for example Text in a different formatt to the most common ways of a magazine -
For my introduction, I will be following the inverted triangle techniques, which therefore means that i will be using the 5w's within my intoductionary paragraph to let the reader know what is going on right from the start. -
The Body
In the body of the article I will include the information that i get from focus groups and interviews, so that it is not just my view, therefore creating a non biased and objective view. It will also include my main points about 'The Greenhouse Gas Effect' and whether or not the human race is a major contribution to global warming. -
Struture of Article
For this I'm going to add a different vibe to the stucture of the front cover to help it stand out for example Text in a different formatt to the most common ways of a magazine -
The Tail
This will be the paragraph which I will conclude all of my points that Ihave made in the body of the text and make a final judgment, which will go a long the lines of, we can slow down global warming but we can't stop it.
This will also include the photos from the photoshoot. -
This will include, enviromental advertisement for example Electric cars, Recycling, to make the advertisement different I might get a popular brand to 'support' enviromentalism. This is to help show awareness. -