Maes Vocabulary Timeline

  • Unconvincingly

    Reaction by lesley choyce
    "I'm sorry . It's no good getting mad at me now. We have to figure out what to do,"I said unconvincingly.Page(8) failing to make someone believe that something is true or valid.
  • Dismal

    As I looked out the rainy dismal world around me,I said,"Please don't hang up."Page(88)depressing; dreary.
  • Prospered

    Jip by Katherine Paterson" They didn't seem to keep chickens much less cow,and,aside from the few garden plots,which had not yet been planted, it was hard to see how the rich ate,let alone how they prospered."

    Definetion: succeed in material terms; be financially successful
  • Possessed

    Jip by Katherine Paterson"Since it was the only money the boy possessed,he always carried it with him in the pocket of his trousers."
  • Scarecely

    Jip by Katherine Paterson,"Though a man like that ain't going to walk about with a sign hanging ' round his neck,scarecely.(Katherine Paterson 113)-only just ,almost not
  • Chimed

    Jip by Katherine Paterson"Toddy chimed in on the blood washed -frong and shouted out the All is Well" page 61
    Defintion:(of a bell or clock) make melodious ringing sounds, typically to indicate the time.
  • Murmuring

    ''To gilly's relief,the blind man's attention was diverted from his tale of childhood schooldays to the organization of the food on his plate and the eating of it, which he did with a constant murmuring of delight,dropping little bits from his mouth to his chin or his tie."(paterson 37) meaning:a soft, low, or indistinct sound produced by a person or group of people speaking quietly or at a distance.
  • obnoxious

    In the woods by Robin Stevenson ," McKluskey stuck him with Robert James,this obnoxious guy." defintion extremely unpleasant.
  • pregnacy

    the condition or period of being pregnant.
  • apalled(4)

    "He was appalled at the shabby treatment he'd receive that day from one of our sales-people."(Grant 4) Definition:greatly dismay or horrify.
    1/9 Exposure - Pg 78
    1/10 " " - Page 97
    1/11 " " - Page 113
    1/12 " "- Ended it today
    1/13 Dead-end job -Page 10
    I started at Page 78 on Monday ended it & started a new book.
  • Acquaintance

    Sea Change - Page 1-
    " i hated being next to diana she always had a thing for me , i just considered her an acquaintance" being my a person one knows slightly, but who is not a close friend
  • smug

    1/23 Dead end job - Page 12
    1/ 24 " " page -18
    1/26 " " page 40
    " David had a smug look on his face, knowing that he had a plan up his sleeve"(Mc Clintock 9 ) exp: having or showing an excessive pride in oneself or one's achievements.
  • Pathetic

    " I didn't care how pathetic i looked i just wanted Leo to forgive me "arousing pity, especially through vulnerability or sadness
  • lumbering

    " i reached the main street just in time to see a bus lumbering to a stop on the other side of the street." ( Mc . Clintiock 35)
    • the work or business of cutting down trees and preparing lumber. moving heavily, clumsily, or noisily.
  • devotion

    Picture this
    " I wanted to define what exactly Sara meant by (devotion)" (101)
    love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause
  • Blotchy

    covered with blotches; patchy
    " dad was blotchy "
  • divine

    excellent; delightful.
    " Raedawn was acting very divine ."
  • reluctantly

    " reluctantly i nodded "
    with hesitation, doubt or dread."
  • slender

    "she was plump & i was slender."
    (of a person or part of the body) gracefully thin