The beginning of my life
I had meningitis and was a very sick little kid and I remember looking back and realizing not to sweat the little things. When I would get stressed I would say to myself at least you are here. -
Meeting my best friends
I met my best friends Stevie and Adrian back in elementary school and we are still friends to this day (they are actually my roommates) Without their encouragement, I don't know if I would have been brave enough to come to Shawnee to pursue an education degree. -
Babysitting helped me first realized my love of working with children and I believe had I not babysat early in high school I might not have become a teacher -
whiz kids
We had a tutoring program through my teaching professions class where we tutored students who had a low ses status and we tutored them after school for free once a week. If people didn't want to do it they didn't have to but I volunteered and working with the students really made me realize how much of an impact teachers make and seeing the joy when the students had a lightbulb moment still gives me goosebumps. -
Teaching professions
I was in a 2-year class at my high school called teaching professions (equivalent to an intro to education class) We had to do an internship our senior year and that really confirmed for me that I wanted to be a teacher. -
Enrolling at Shanwee State university
If I had not decided to come to Shawnee I would not have been in this specific phonics class -
enrollment into phonics class
I hope to gain/learn to know how to help students learn and understand how to read. reading is so important and you need it in everyday life. I want a child to love reading so I hope I can learn things in the class to help teach them the right way to learn to read. Not only so they understand but so that they enjoy it too.