
  • Starting High school

    Starting High  school
    Starting of my high school education at Parkside Collegiate Institute
  • Special achievement

    Special achievement
    I was rewarded an UN-sung Hero Award for the hardest working student in grade 9 math.
  • Work experience

    Work experience
    I hope to obtain a job before the end of 2016
  • High school Graduation

    High school Graduation
    I hope to graduate in grade 12 at Parkside Collegiate Institute with honours.
  • Volunteer work completed

    Volunteer work completed
    By the start of Grade 11 I hope to have all my volunteer hours.
  • My own car

    My own car
    I hope to buy my own car before I finish high school or go off to university.
  • Driver's liscence

    Driver's liscence
    I hope to have my drivers licence by the end of grade 11.
  • Apartment

    I hope to rent my own apartment while I am in university.
  • Art shsm

    Art shsm
    I want to participate in the art and culture program in grade 12
  • Certificates earned

    Certificates earned
    I hope to earn a Certificate of secondary education at my grade 12 graduation
  • Move out

    Move out
    I may move out of my parents house when I go to university depending on where it is located.
  • Start University

    Start University
    I hope to start my post-secondary education at Western University
  • Completing post-secodnary

    Completing post-secodnary
    I hope to complete pre-med school. (if i still want to become a dermatologist)
  • Second time going to university

    Second time going to university
    I hope to graduate for pre-med and go into medical school
  • Build my own home

    Build my own home
    I hope to build my own home between London and St.Thomas.
  • Career

    I hope to graduate medical school and start interning as a dermatologist at a hospital. Then start working at a hospital as a dermatologist.
  • Career Advancement

    Career Advancement
    I hope to advance my career into my own practice. Hopefully taking over someone's practice.
  • Life

    I hope to already by married and have kids.