
  • The Telephone

    The Telephone
    The telephone was a way of communicating, it was used all around the world and to this day probably one of the most useful gadgets we use. You simply talk into a machine and that way you can physically talk to people overseas!
  • The Projector

    The Projector
    The projector linked to the TV in a similar way, when people would watch movies in the theatre they would use the projector like they do today, they would put the film into the projector and the projector would shine light onto a white screen! It can be used to make a big screen.
  • The Television

    The Television
    A television is like a computer but you watch movies and shows on the screen! That real actors play in so you film a movie and its broadcasted on live TV!
  • The Computer

    The Computer
    The computer is also known to be a calculator of sorts; it is also known to be a form of communication.
  • The Robot

    The Robot
    Is a machine that is created to act the way we do and think the way we do (a mechanical version of humans)
  • The Tablet

    The Tablet
    The tablet is a touch screen version of a computer.
  • The Game Boy

    The Game Boy
    The game boy is almost like a smart phone, it has a screen taking up less than half of the machine itself. To play on the game boy you must insert a chip at the back identifying what game you want to play and the controls which are places at the other half of the machine are the basics controls on how to work which ever game you’re playing or to be more basic, how to work the machine itself.