
  • Jan 31, 1414


    a battle in scottland; men fight to the death where macbeth and banquo fight side by side to win the battle for the king of scottland.
  • Feb 1, 1414

    the macbeth

    the three witches meet at a deserted battlefield somewhere in scottland. then they decide when to meet again and the witches will meet with a man by the name of macbeth. (when shall we meet again? in thunder and lightening or in rain?)
    when the hurly burly's done, when the battles lost and won. that will be ere the set of sun. (witch two)
    where the place? upon the heath. there to meet with macbeth. (the three witches)
  • Feb 2, 1414

    the battle is won and lost

    A worthy soldier comes to the camp near forres, scotland to tell the king that the battle was won by the success of brave macbeth and banquo. After the king leaves, the thane of ross come to deliever a message to the king saying that norway himself, with terrible numbers, assisted by the most disloyal traitor, the thane of cawdor, began a dismal conflict.
  • Feb 3, 1414

    the three witches

    the three witches
    the brave macbeth and banquo are at a heath near forres. macbeth and Banquo come across three witches that tell them there prophesy, how macbeth is going to be the than of glamis, the thane of cawdor and shalt be king.
  • Feb 3, 1414

    macbeths castle

    macbeths castle
    lady gets a letter from Macbeth saying that he is coming home. lady macbeth is happy to hear that her love is coming home and starts to make a plan make macbeth king.