Australia first colonised by British settlers
Australia labelled as 'Nobody's Land'
Mabo discovers he does not own Murray Island land
A land rights conference is held at James Cook University
Mabo and others make legal claim for ownership of their lands
Queensland Parliament passes the Queensland Coast Islands Declaratory Act
The High Court finds the Queensland Coast Islands Declaratory Act contravenes section 10 of the Federal Racial Discrimination Act 1975, and is therefore invalid
Mabo's family denied into Thursday Island
Although Mabo's family had the intention to visit Mabo's dying father they were denied entry into Murray Island -
Mabo dies of cancer
The High Court rejects the notion of terra nullius and recognises the Meriam people as the native title holders of traditional lands on Murray Island
Native Title Act is tabled in Federal Parliament
Parliament enacts the Native Title Act 1993.
Native Title Act (NTA) commences operation, National Native Title Tribunal (NNTT) established and Native Title Representative Bodies (NTRBs) recognised in law.
Indigenous Land Corporation (ILC) and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Fund established.
High Court in Western Australia v. Commonwealth rejects Western Australia's constitutional challenge to the Native Title Act
The first resolution of a native title claim for mainland Australia involving the Dunghutti people of Crescent Head and the New South Wales government
Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation formed
Howard Government releases Amended Wik ten point plan foreshadowing major amendments to the NTA
amendments and a compromise agreement between the government and Senator Brian Harradine, the Native Title Amendment Act 1998 is passed
High Court confirms that the grant of freehold extinguishes native title in Fejo v Northern Territory
Bonita Mabo, calls for a national public holiday on the anniversary of the High Court's decision