M.Christiano computing timeline

  • 1300 BCE

    The Abucus

    The Abucus
    The abacus was invented in the year 1300 by the Chinese and was popularize during the Ming dynasty. the abacus is also known as a counting frame. they were commonly made of wood and used to count as the wooden pieces on a strand had represented digits. they were able to use these devices to calculate equations such as square roots.
  • Napier’s Bones (John Napier)

    Napier’s Bones (John Napier)
    Napiers bones was invented by john napier. this was a manually operated calculating device made to awnser quotients of numbers. this invention was made in scotland. the inventions use was based on lattice multiplication.
  • Slide rule

    Slide rule
    The slide rule Was Invented by William Oughtred in 1622 which is not long after Napier's Bones was invented. Slide rules are based off of napiers bones. Oughtred was the first to use a slide ruling method to determine direct multiplication and division. Oughtred also with this invention was the first to use X as a symbol of multiplication.
  • Stepppec reckoner

    Stepppec reckoner
    The Stepped reckoner was a German invention made by Gottfreid Leibnez around 1673. This was the first calculator for all four arithmic operations. the machine operated by using the gears as numerical inputs. this would later inspire one of the first actual calculators like we know today.
  • Pascal's Calculator

    Pascal's Calculator
    The Pascal Calculator is a mechanical calculator invented by blaise Pascal. its the first of its kind and could calculate aritmatical calculations. he invented this calculator to help his father solve taxes. he invented the calculator to use direct subtraction and addition to act as multiplication and division.
  • Difference and Analytical Engines

    Difference and Analytical Engines
    The difference and Analytical Engines were designed to detect errors in decimal inputs. the first engine was designed to read the calculations while the second one would work to check the math and make sure it was correct
  • Jacquard Loom

    Jacquard Loom
    The jacquard loom is a device that was invented in france in 1804. It oprerates very similarly to an actual loom used to make clothing. the loom would punch holes through a punchcard which was a large piece of wood. these holes would represent either digits or signs.
  • Scheutzian Calculation Engine

    Scheutzian Calculation Engine
    The Scheutzian Calculation Engine was a calculator engine that was made over the timespan from 1837-1843 and was heavily based off of the babbages engine, to add it had very similar function. The invention had government funding and was roughly the size of a piano.
  • Augusta Ada Byron

    Augusta Ada Byron
    Augusta Ada Byron proposed the first mechanical general purpose computer of which she is believed to be the first to notice that the computer has function outside of mathematical calculations and that it is able to be used for purposes that would later lead to things that we have today on our modern computers
  • Arithmometer

    The arithmometer wasa the first digital calculator strong enough and reliable enough to be used in an office enviroment
  • Tabulating Machine

    Tabulating Machine
    The Tabulating Machine was an electro mechanical machine designed to help calculate and store punch cards. this machine was used to take the 1890 census and the census before then had taken 8 years to take down all of the information this machine would be used for quite some time
  • Molecular Informatics

    Molecular Informatics is a online journal published by Wiley VCH. it was used for scientific purposes and is contiunued to be used to today.
  • Z1 (Konrad Zuse)

    Z1 (Konrad Zuse)
    The Z1 motor operated mechanical computer was designed by konrad zuse in 1936 which he had built in his parents home. the computer would read instructions from punched celluloid film.
  • Havard Mark 1

    Havard Mark 1
    The Havard Mark 1 otherwise known as the IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator is a general purpose electromechanical calculator which was actually used for the war effort during the ladder end of world war 2. The first use of this machine was early as march 29 1944

    The EDVAC was the earliest of electronic computers. Unlike the ENIAC it was binary rather than decimal, and was designed to be a stored program. it was built in august of 1944.

    The ENIAC was the first ever computer to be used for general all purpose. The machine did not see much use other than filing artillery use for the united states army however it was the first to be designed for general purpose and would later on be used for many other purposes.
  • The transistor (Shockley)

    The transistor (Shockley)
    The Transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electronic signals. this device was a game changer as computers were now able to switch signals with a flip of a switch. it was invented by shockley in 1947 and became one of the biggest changes in early computing

    FORTRAN is a computer language specifically designed for numeric compensation. It was also able to be used for scientific matters. It was initially invented by IBM in the 1950s for scientific and engineering applications. This program essentially dominated the market and was seen for the longest time as the only possible option to use when it came to computing

    The UNIVAC was the first computer designed to be used for robot buisness application. Later this invention would be named the remington red. This was the first of its kind that would be marketed and accepted for commercial use.
  • The mouse

    The mouse
    the mouse was a revolutionary object within the computer industry as it allowed its users to use a handheld object to move the pointer on thier screen smoothley. this was done through a two-demesnsional motion sensor. the mouse was invented in 1968 and was named that way because the inventor said that the mouse reminded him of the body of a mouse and the cord would be the tail.
  • Computer Chip

    Computer Chip
    The Computer Chip or the integrated circuit is a set of electronic circuits on one small flat piece of semiconductor material that is usually made of silicon. The computer chip is smaller faster and less expensive to produce than its electronic counter part. this is what is used in todays modern computers, they are able of completing tasks that are beyond anything of its pasts and at a fraction of the wait time.
  • Radio Shack’s TRS-80

    Radio Shack’s TRS-80
    Radio Shack’s TRS-80 is a household computer launched in 1977 and was sold in radioshack stores. this was one of the first household microcomputers which would make do for almost all household computing very similar to what we have today. they ran on dialup at the time as the ethernet was not available at this time. this is one of the earliest mass produced common day computers.
  • Apple II

    The Apple II was a massproduced home computer like the trs-80 however the screen was much smaller and it was controlled with keyboard and dial. these computers were commonly well accepted for thier ability to project entertainment like videogames. it was made as a compettetor to the trs-80 and was produced by apple in 1977.
  • Ethernet

    The Ethernet is a household internet connection cord. this is still the commonly used cord for internet connections today and is installed in every household. it was first introduced in 1980 and has since then become the biggest way for familys to connect their home enetertainment to the internet
  • IBM Acorn

    IBM Acorn
    The IBM Acorn was IBM's first step into the home computer world taking years after the apple 2 and the trs-80 it was released in 1981 and was much more capable than the two before it. it was able to use mouse and keyboard and worked on a 32-bit screen.

    COBOL was the very first electronic programming language. this would be the first step into computer programming and it would lead into the things we have today such as java and python. It was a language like english which would communicate with the computer making it easier for programmers to develop and gather information. its first stable release was in 1989 and had support all the way until 2014.
  • Microsoft Windows

    Microsoft Windows
    Microsoft Windows is todays #1 operating system which was invented by microsoft in 1985 it took the world by storm when it released its in windows 1.0 which was at the time the most capable operating system on the market and has been with its innovations and later versions ever since today marking windows 10
  • The floppy disk

    The floppy disk
    The floppy disk was the first version of portable storage. it was a medium sized square used to store memory on the computer. there was a fabric within the disk that removed the dust from the disk. the first floppy disk was invented by IBM and had a capacity size of 1.44 megabytes.
  • Mac OS X

    Mac OS X is apples version of an operating system and comes installed on every sinle apple computer. it was invented with the intentions of user friendly acces and is made to make those who arent aware of the use of a computer have access to almost thier every need without all the confusion. it was invented in 2001 and has been a saple of apple computers ever since.
  • iPhone

    The iphone was released in 2007 and was the first fully touchscreen phone. it was a revolutionary object as it took the world by storm and is today thought as the go to option for poeple when talking about buying a phone. the idea for the iphone was invented by steve jobs back when he was ceo of apple in 2007 and ever since the iphone has been the most popular device in the world.
  • Chromebook

    A is a small portable laptop that was designed by google and runs the chrome operating system. it was designed with the intention of making an affordable laptop for the use of work only. this was what made them so affordable as they used a light work operating system along with lower end parts to save costs for the consumer while still offering acceptable quality of use for the work enviroment.