Luke Dunn - 7

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    Romulus establishes the city of Rome.

    Romulus establishes the city of Rome.
    753 BC. Romulus and Remus established the city of Rome on Italy´s penninsula. It was founded as a major trade city and was easily accessable because it was surrounded by water. The city was formed on the banks of the Italian River.
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    The Roman Republic begins

    The Roman Republic begins
    509 BC. The Romans revolted and threw out the last king. In place of the monarchy, the Romans established a Republic. In the Republic, elected officials governed the state. The patricians and plebians were established. The pratricians were rich and the plebians were poor.
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    The Estruscans

    The Estruscans
    The Romans fell under the Estruscans power in 616 BC. Rome was no longer under the rule of a king. They were from Northeast Italy. Estruscans were thought to be very good metalworkers and jewlers whose culture heavily influenced Greece.
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    Jesus is born

    Jesus is born
    December 25, 1. Jesus of Nazareth was born. The message he taughed was not of armed revolt but of the need for people to seek forgiveness for their sins in preparation for the coming of God´s judgement day. He is thought to be the founder of Christianity and his teachings were recorded in the Bible. Christains still read the Bible today and use it as a guide through life.
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    The Punic Wars

    The Punic Wars
    264 BC. War broke out between Rome and Carthage. The war was maily fought in the sea but some battles took place on Roman soil. Many battles took place and about 50,000 Roman soldiers died. The Punic wars lasted about 115 years.
  • Period: 100 to 180

    Pax Romana

    27 BC to AD 180. A period from the beginning of Augustus´s reign until the death of the last Good Emperors. It was a time of Roman peace. Everything was going well including trade and a stable government. This period was seldom interrupted by wars or invasions.
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    The Empire Weakens

    The Empire Weakens
    At the end of the Pax Romana, the Roman Empire began to weaken. It was faced with many challenges. The Roman people were facing financial difficulties and were fighting foriegn invaders. The eventual result of all the problems was a series of Civil wars.
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    Attempts to Reform

    Attempts to Reform
    In the 200s, Rome could have easily fallen. The crises that Rome faced caused drastic reforms to be made if the Empire was going to survive. If it were not for two leaders, Rome would not have survived past 200 AD. Diocletian and Constatine worked to help rebuilt Rome, but their attemps later failed.
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    Constatine ends all persecution of Christains

    Constatine ends all persecution of Christains
    Constatine issued the Edict of Milan. This made Christianity legal within the empire. This helped the small religion of Christianity spread around. Constatine did not ban other religions, but his support of Christianity helped spread it all across the empire.
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    Invasion and Fall

    Invasion and Fall
    During the late 300s and 400s, problems faced by the Roman people worsened. Invaders were easily able to cross Roman boundaries because the Romans were weak. As more people began to come into the Empire, the Roman people were slowly pushed out. Rome eventually disappeared off the map.