Luke 1:1-56
The families of John the baptest and jesus -
Luke 1:57-80
The birth of John the baptest and the birth of Jesus -
Luke 2:21-40
Simeon and Anna -
Jesus at the temple as a boy -
John the baptest prepares the way -
The genealogy and bathtism of jesus -
Luke 3-44
Jesus drives. Out the evil spirt -
Luke 16:1 the parable of the manager
And additional teachings -
Luke 18-17
The parable of the widow present and the tax collector -
Luke 8
His disciples forget who he is agin -
Luke 9.
Jesus and the 12 decouples walk through and drive out demons and evil spirits -
Luke 12
The guards yell over at Jesus -
Luke 14
If a child or a ox falls on the sabbath day -
Luke 15
100 sheep parable -
Luke 18
Jesus is about to get cursified in a few days -
Luke 10
Jesus speaks out to the crowd of people and says the kingdom of heaven is waiting for you -
Luke 18:18-43
The rich ruler Jesus agin predicts his death and a blind begger sees his sight -
Luke 11
Jesus's deciples ask Jesus to tech them how to pray -
Luke 13
The parable of the man with the fig tree and him going to cut it down if it didn't grow anything in one year