
  • 2.2 Genetic Limits

    2.2 Genetic Limits
    To increase the Hayflick limit in humans, chronic stress must be severely reduced to extend telomere length. The 40-hour workweek will be reduced to 32 hours. Mondays will now be days off for all jobs, to give people more time to relax and seek out additional services if needed. Additionally, new skincare products will be provided by their companies to apply daily to increase telomere length. However, this will increase the commitment needed from employees in order for it to be effective.
  • 7.3 - Major Life Event

    A major life event that I’ve experienced is the death of my grandfather. While he was a sick man for many, many years, his death was unexpected and was the result of something minor; we were very close. I coped with this event using social-focused coping. I spent a lot of time with my family and my grandmother especially (his wife). Still today, my grandmother and I hang out and call each other quite often in order to support each other. It was beneficial to me to be around my loved ones.
  • 6.4 - Conformist Stage

    For this stage, in a peer’s presentation, their grandfather went to college, but they did not intend on going to college at all. It was more of a “trial and error” experience. I believe this represents the conformist stage because as a young adult myself, there is this societal expectation that we will go to college and find ourselves a good-paying job, but that is not the case for everyone. So, this person's grandfather was experiencing conformity by feeling that they need to do to college.
  • 1.1 The Beginning

    1.1 The Beginning
    I believe this date is the day I became an adult because it is the day I moved into Gallaudet on my first day of the JumpStart program. I was still new to ASL and it would be my first time living away from home, so I view this day as a social source of change in my normative age. I had to learn to live on my own, provide for myself, find a new job, and become an adult. Biologically, my hair didn't change much, but at this time, I did have some red hair extensions that were not great (lol).
  • 7.2 - Transitions

    One transition that I’ve already experienced is the transition into college. That was a huge transition for it as it was a learning experience as a young adult learning to be on my own. I think that my experience isn’t accurately represented in the text because I believe that I’ve had other experiences that contributed to my transition, but overall it is similar. I think it did result in the expected transition though because I am very individualistic and focus mainly on myself.
  • 4.1 - Young Adult Role Transition

    4.1 - Young Adult Role Transition
    I believe that I’m currently experiencing this transition because of my time spent in college, learning how to be an adult and my emerging adulthood experience. Some challenges that may occur are financial strain while going through school, working multiple jobs, trying to buy a car or finding a place to live, etc. The mental health of young adults may decline because of the stressors we have to go through. Much of this transition is trying to find your way and learning how the world works.
  • 2.3 My Current Healthy Lifestyle

    2.3 My Current Healthy Lifestyle
    After answering the short questionnaire about my healthy lifestyle, I would say I live a moderately healthy life. For instance, I don’t eat the proper amount of fruits + veggies daily, which is negatively impacting my diet. For junk food, I do not drink soda often, however, I love chocolate and my family tends to order take out often. Also, I do not smoke or drink alcohol. Overall, I would love to add healthier foods into my diet and exclude fast food, as well as add more exercise.
  • 4.3 - Adult Attachment Style

    4.3 - Adult Attachment Style
    Based on the quiz I took, I have a secure attachment style. I do believe that I fall under this style, as well as avoidant; which was also plotted on my graph from the quiz. I do find it easy to get close to others, depend on/support each other, and are comfortable. I’ve been in a relationship with my boyfriend for almost 5 years, so we have become very close and things are no longer awkward or uncomfortable. We understand each other, are willing to open up, and don’t worry about being alone.
  • 7.1 - Fowler

    When I think about my own master story, I view life as living to its fullest potential and make it worthwhile. I think that Fowler’s stage of individuative-reflective faith because I view myself in control of everything in my life rather than external factors/authority. If I want something to happen for myself, I need to achieve it myself and be my own lead/authority. As I go through adulthood, I expect to see myself change by accepting others’ ideas of faith and other points of view.
  • 6.2 - Super’s Stages

    I chose Mental Health Counselors for my career and will set it in the establishment stage. This stage in this career would look like finding an entry-level job position to learn more about the mental health field, counseling sessions, how to interact with clients, confidentiality, etc. Once settled, I should be learning/developing new skills related to this career, meeting clients, and establishing myself as a counselor. I should be building relationships with clients and with my work peers.
  • 6.1 - My RIASEC Type

    My RIASEC type is Social-Investigative. From my test, it was very, very clear that these two types were the highest scoring. Looking at Figure 7.2, the traits from both Social and Investigative correspond to my personality types for sure. Some jobs that fit my type are various types of nurses, mental health counselors, postsecondary teachers, upon many more. Being that I am a psychology major wanting to pursue a career in the mental health field, I think some of the jobs are consistent overall.
  • 2.1 Oxidative Damage

    2.1 Oxidative Damage
    This solution for oxidative damage is designed so that people can use a “tanning bed” for a vitamin surge! This method only has to be performed monthly starting at age 35 and is to replace the daily use of vitamins. Since the antioxidants will be absorbed directly into the skin at such a concentration, they will reverse the mutations that lead to cellular dysfunction and help you lead a longer life! Reducing the daily task of taking vitamins, will improve people’s quality of life too!
  • 2.4 Potential Consequences of my Lifestyle

    2.4 Potential Consequences of my Lifestyle
    My current lifestyle certainly is a risk for some health conditions in the future, specifically for diabetes. My eating habits are not the best and I live a pretty sedentary lifestyle, even more now with the pandemic. Therefore, while I do some things right towards a healthier lifestyle (i.e. no smoking or drinking and regular use of sunscreen), I need to be putting more effort into myself and my health in order to prevent consequences like obesity, diabetes, and other health conditions.
  • 3.1 - Useful Field of View

    3.1 - Useful Field of View
    Older people who have a reduced useful field of view are more likely to be involved in an auto accident. As I get older, I could see a decline in my vision and/or my field of view, thus impacting my ability to drive and react. Which ultimately would hinder my independence, as I wouldn’t be able to transport myself. In order to compensate for this decline, I could ask a family member for help, as well as attempt to get training to increase my field of view through simulators and speed training.
  • 4.2 - Older Adult Role Transition

    4.2 - Older Adult Role Transition
    For late adulthood, I expect to experience some of the physical and cognitive changes that come with aging, but also retirement, maybe downsizing my home, and spending more time with family. One challenge I could expect when I'm transitioning into an older adult is potentially living alone in my later years. That’s something I have never experienced, so coping with living alone would be tough. In order to cope with that, I could spend extra time with family and/or seeing friends more often.
  • 3.2 - Prospective Memory

    3.2 - Prospective Memory
    In the future, my prospective memory could hinder my daily tasks; taking medication, going to doctor appointments, simple chores around the house, etc. Not only to do the tasks themselves but to remember what the task was. In order to compensate for this decline, writing down notes for myself as soon as I schedule or remember something on a calendar or big whiteboard could help me remember what things I need to do. This is something I already do myself as many tasks/appointments can pile up.
  • 6.3 - Ego Integrity vs. Despair

    For this stage, an example I saw in a peer’s presentation was that their grandfather felt satisfied with their life. They believe that they’ve had a good life (have integrity), are healthy, have been able to work hard and provide for their family; thus leading to feeling satisfied with their life. When asked about death, they mentioned they were not afraid. However, their concern was if he would pass away first or his wife, and what that would entail (i.e., housing, financially, etc.).
  • 8.1 - The End

    On Tuesday, July 15, 2073, Lucy Richards, a loving wife and friend, passed away at the age of 73. Lucy was born on May 3, 2000, in Baltimore, MD. She received her bachelor’s degree in psychology from Gallaudet University in 2022 and continued on as a psychologist for 35 years. Lucy got married to Aaron Taylor on May 28th, 2025. Lucy has a love for music and traveling all around the world. The funeral service will be held on Saturday, July 19th at 11 am. Flowers may be sent to 230 Margate Dr.