LT SMART Goal Timeline

  • Money Habits

    Money Habits
    The habits I have with money can slow down or even stop. Driving straight to where I need to go to save gas. Eat at home not out. Buying the cheaper item. These are things that will pool me in more money for my goal.
  • Getting More Hours At Work

    Getting More Hours At Work
    Getting more hours at work may seem boring but in the end, the checks look mighty fine. It will help me towards my goal.
  • Saving

    Saving your money is a great way to get to my goal especially since you just gain interest off of not spending your money.
  • Invest

    Investing your money into things like stocks will gain you more money towards what you want.
  • New Job

    New Job
    Getting a new job that could possibly increase your pay or set up for a good future potentially creating more income is a great idea.
  • Raises

    Getting a raise will increase income and I just need to work my butt off in order to prove myself.