
Lower Brule Sioux Tribe

By kr3433
  • The Sioux Moves West

    The Sioux Moves West
    In the late 1600s and early 1700s the Sioux tribes acquired land in the upper Mississippi region. With their new 100 million acres to look forward to, the Sioux tribes, including the Lakota, Nakota, and Dakota speaking tribes, moved out west to be on this new land.
  • Conflict With the Cree and Chippewa

    Conflict With the Cree and Chippewa
    After experiencing conflicts with other tribes, the Sioux tribes decided to move even further west. The movement of the buffalo made their decision to leave easier. They followed the buffalo to a new land.
  • The Black Hills

    The Black Hills
    In 1740 The Sioux tribe acquired horses to make their journey quicker. Soon after, they crossed the Missouri river. By 1775 they had made it into the Black Hills.
  • Becoming Seven

    Becoming Seven
    Shortly after their arrival in the Black Hills, the Sioux tribe split into seven different tribes, one of them being the Brule.
  • A Visit From the Americans

    A Visit From the Americans
    The United States Government traveled through the land of the Lower Brule Sioux and this would soon cause many drastic changes to take place.
  • Minnesota Sioux Uprising

    Minnesota Sioux Uprising
    The Sioux killed over 1000 settlers in Minnesota and then fled further west, pursued by 5000 cavalries.
  • Killing of the Buffalo

    Killing of the Buffalo
    Many of the buffalo were slaughtered and killed, depriving the Native Americans of there will to live. This lead to the buffalo war.
  • Gold Discovered in the Black HIlls

    Gold Discovered in the Black HIlls
  • Dawes General Allotment Act

    Dawes General Allotment Act
    This act led to the breaking up of many reservations. Indian land was sold to white settlers.
  • Battle of Wounded Knee

    Battle of Wounded Knee
    This battle was the last major battle fought by the Sioux Indians. It resulted in over 200 Native American casualties.The Sioux Indians were forced onto 11 different reservations.