
  • Sep 8, 1565

    First permanent Spanish settlement is established at St. Augustine

    First permanent  Spanish settlement is established at St. Augustine
    They where there for supplies to bring them back to the old world so they could them.
  • Roanoke colony disappears and is called The Lost colony

    Roanoke colony disappears and is called The Lost colony
    They went back to do something they came back they where go and no one nows what happened.
  • Jamestown settlement established

    Jamestown settlement established
    They where the first people to have Slaves to work for them they got treated horrible.
  • Pocahontas and John Rolfe marry

    Pocahontas and John Rolfe marry
    He delivered stuff to the old world then she saved him then got married
  • House of Burgesses formed

    House of  Burgesses formed
    They where they first government the paved the way
  • Plymouth colony is founded

    Plymouth colony is founded
    It was the first permanent settlement by English.
  • Thanksgiving

    The first thanksgiving it celebrated their first harvest. They shared their food with the other people there.
  • North Carolina colony was founded

    North Carolina colony was founded
    They did it so they could help the king out by reclaiming the throne.
  • William Penn establish Pennsylvania colony

    William Penn establish Pennsylvania colony
    He was getting a wrested for the wrong belief so the king gave him land in the new world because he owed his father.
  • New Jersey colony founded

    New Jersey colony founded
    They said they could have religious freedom if they where willing to sell there