Love Canal

  • Love Canal begins

    Love Canal plans to connect the upper and lower part of the Niagara Rivers and generate hydropower.
  • Love Canal sold a public auction

    Became a dumpsite used primarily by Hooker Chemical Corporation
  • Land Sold to Board of Education for $1

    Hooker filled the canal and covered it with dirt and sold.
  • 99th Elementary School was built

  • 800 homes and 240 apartments were buillt

    Homes and apartments were built on toxic land field.
  • Drum Chemicals were found

    Study revealed that toxic chemicals were found in the air.
  • School Closed

    NY State Dept of health found high level of contaminants in soil. Women and children were evacuated.
  • Love Canal Evacuated

    President Jimmy Carter mandates evacuation and clean up.
  • Love Canal Re-opens

    George W Bush reopens parts of Love Canal