Louis XVI

  • Louis XVI was born on August 23, 1754.

  • On May 16, 1770 he married a 14 year old named Marie Antonia.

    On May 16, 1770 he married a 14 year old named Marie Antonia.
  • On May 10, 1774, Louis XVI's grandfather died of smallpox. A couple months later, on November 23, 1774, he became the king of France

  • Louis XVI's first child is born.

    Louis XVI's first child is born.
  • Louis XVI had an assembly with the estates-general.

  • The Third Estate declared itself as a National Assembly.

    The Third Estate declared itself as a National Assembly.
  • King Louis XVI and his family were caught and returned back to Paris.

    King Louis XVI and his family were caught and returned back to Paris.
  • Louis XVI and his family tries to escape from Paris.

  • Louis XVI was found guilty for treason. He was sentenced to a death penalty.

  • Louis XVI was executed.

    Louis XVI was executed.