
Louis XIV Of France

  • His father Louis XIII dies

    He reign now begun at just 4 years old.
  • Louis marries Madame de Maintenon

    This marriage was held in secrecy
  • Louis and his wife have children

  • Louis invades Spanish Neatherlands

    Louis invades Spanish Neatherlands
    This was successful and helped him expand and gain over 12 towns.
  • Personally led an army into the Dutch Neatherlands

    the Dutch saved their country by flooding the countryside.
  • The Europewide alliance was formed against France

    The Europewide alliance was formed against France
    Many of Europe's other nations were upset by how powerful France and Louis were becoming and they wanted to stop him.
  • Jean Baptiste Colbert death

    Jean Baptiste Colbert was his friend and minister.
  • Louis cancels Edict of Nantes

    Louis cancels Edict of Nantes
    this protected religious freedom of Huguenots and this caused thousands of Huguenot business people to flee.
  • Louis XIV's grandson takes the thrown of Spain

    When Charles II died, he promised his thrown to Philip of Anjou who was the grandson of Louis. The 2 greatest powers in Europe were now both ruled by French Bourbons.
  • The War of the Spanish Succession

    The War of the Spanish Succession
    many other European countries were threatened by France so they joined together to prevent the union of the French and Spanish thrown.
  • The Treaty of Utrecht is signed

    The Treaty of Utrecht is signed
    This treaty said that Louis's grandson could remain the King of Spain as long as the thrown of France and the thrown of Spain were not united.