Louis XIV

  • Louis' father dies

    Louis' father dies
    Louis father dies when he is five years old, and the true ruler after his father was Cardinal Mazarin
  • He weakens nobles to stregthen the government

  • Louis attemps to expand France's borders

    He invades the Spanish Netherlands and gained new places, and a region (Franche-Comte)
  • Louis wants more land, so he fights more wars

    Louis was greedy and wanted to gain more land, and a European worldwide alliance formed to stop France, so they could not dominate others.
  • He expands the Palace of Versailles

    He expands the Palace of Versailles
    Louis expanded the palace to prove to everyone of his absolute power. It was very large and luxurious.
  • Louis made arts popular

    Louis made arts popular
    The main purpose for art to him, was to glorify god , and the king, so he made arts like operas and ballets very popular.
  • He gets rid of the Edict of Nantes

    He gets rid of the Edict of Nantes
    This helped protect the religious rights of Huguenots, and many fled the country, because Louis did not like the Protestant religion.
  • William of Orange becomes king

    The Dutch prince was the only ruler to match the power and rule of Louis in his time period.
  • The War of Spanish Succession starts

    The War of Spanish Succession starts
    Louis invests a lot of his time in this war, and used many resources necessary to France, so it weakened France.
  • The Treaty of Utrecht

    This treaty ended the war, and stopped Louis from losing alliance with Spain, but France still lost money and colonies