Mv 2109 008

Louis XIV

  • Louis's younger brother is born

    Louis's younger brother is born
    Philippe duc d'Orléans was two years younger than Louis.
  • Louis's father died

    His father died when he was four years old, and he became king once his father had died.
  • Louis suffered poverty and starvation

    Louis suffered poverty and starvation
    During Fronde, the civil war, Louis dealt with poverty, misfortune, fear, humiliation, cold, and hunger, but his ruler won the war in 1653.
  • Louis goes to Paris

    Louis had to go to Paris for Frondes, the French Wars of Religion.
  • The Dutch War begins

    France gets involved in a war with the Dutch and English, lasting until 1654.
  • Louis got married

    Louis got married
    In 1660, he married Marie-Thérèse of Austria, the daughter of the king of Spain.
  • He increased trade

    Louis established new industries and manufactures
  • Cardinal Mazarin dies

    Cardinal Mazarin dies
    Mazarin ruled France when Louis was too young, and Louis took over once Mazarin died.
  • Louis marries again

    Louis marries again
    His first wife died a year after they got married, so he remarried to Madame de Maintenon in secret.
  • Louis grew the French army

    He increased the amount of people in the army from 30,000 to 400,00 in thirty years.