Lori's Personal Technology Timeline

  • Mimeograph

    I loved the smell of our worksheets. They were blue and blurry.
  • Color TV

    Color TV
    My best friend's dad worked at Sears and brought home a color TV. We watched The Wizard of Oz and hid under the blankets when the monkies were flying to find Dorothy.
  • Transitor Radio

    Transitor Radio
    My dad loved big bands. We listened to Tiajuana Taxi on our reel to reel tape player and huge speakers.
  • Transitor Radio

    Transitor Radio
    Listened to "Wendy" on transitor radio when we could get service. It was a little sketchy in Mapleton.
  • Calculator

    Used calculator in 8th grade English
  • Classroom computer programed with punchcards

    Classroom computer programed with punchcards
    We used punch cards and base 2 to program a simple bowling game.
  • eight track tapes

    eight track tapes
    The latest and greatest thing was an 8 track tape player for cars. My dates wanted to just play their 8 track tape players. It didn't last very long.
  • Video tapes & VCR

    Video tapes & VCR
    We would get a big group together in college and rent a VCR player for $5.00 and a tape for about the same.
  • Automatic erase for typewriter

    Automatic erase for typewriter
    Incharge of Women's Conference and sending out letters to speakers, so cool to have erase. The typewriter also had some computer aspects. Then we used a video writer.
  • CD player

    CD player
    Went to Indiana to graduate school and some of the students had CDs instead of tapes. Sooo Cool.
  • Computer

    We bought a computer for $1600, saved our marriage. Typing papers were so much easier.