Day I was born
I was born on April, 5 2000. I was the fourth child. And I was the best. -
My Puppy
When i turned two i got a dog named Baby. She was a Shi-tzu. She was the best dog anyone could ever have. -
White Lake
When i was about 2 or 3 we moved from West Bloomfield to White Lake. I went to pre-school at Karl Richter. I have been in Holly schools ever since then. -
My dad and my mom got divorced on June 12th in 2006. It was hard on our family. I was only 6 years old -
My dog Baby died on august 12 of 2010. She was the best dog in the world. She was never mean, she was always happy. -
My baby brother Denny was born on Jan 9 2011. He was 8 pounds and 21 oz. He was so perfect. -
Kelly's Graduation
Denny's Passing
Denny passed away on May 25 of 2012. It was a drowning accident. He was a year and four months old. -
My sister had her baby on October 29th 2012. He was sos cute. He was her first child. -
Emi was born on June 2 of 2014. -
On october 4th, 4 months after Denny passed away my granpda passed away. It was very hard on our family. There was lots of grief going on for both sides of my family.