Chapter 4
[After he ](Enotes.com)Jack killed a pig -
Chapter 6
Lord of the fliesSamnEric were watching the fire and supposedly saw the beast in the trees -
chapter 7
Lord of the flies Chapter 7First time Ralph hunts with Jack and the bigguns, they saw a monster on the top of the mountain. -
chapter 8
the beastJack and his hunters kill a sow and sticks its head on a stick as a offering to the beast. -
Chapter 10
lord of the flies ch. 10Jack and his hunters break into Ralph and Piggy's shelter, assault them and steal piggy's glasses for the fire. -
Chapter 11
Chubby, BespectacledBoulder hits piggy on the head because he doesnt see w/o his glasses and shatters conch. Piggys body is dragged into ocean by waves. -
Chapter 12
lotfSamneric give Ralph some meat and warn him that the hunters will hunt for him the next day