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Lord of The Flies Author

  • William Gerald Goldings Birth

    William Gerald Goldings Birth
  • Published First Literature Piece

    Published First Literature Piece
    William created his first book that had a poem in it, which was then called Poem. It was looked at mostly by critics in the poetry realm.
  • William Gerald's Graduation

    William Gerald's Graduation
    William graduated college in May, 1935. He graduated from a well known college, Brasenose in a university we still know about today, Oxford University. He studied English Literature.
  • William Gerald's First Job

    William Gerald's First Job
    After William graduated from Oxford, he went into teaching. He took the position in teaching English & Philosophy at at Bishop Wordsworth’s School in Salisbury.
  • William Goldings Marriage

    William Goldings Marriage
    William married a women named Ann Brookfield and had two children, Judith and David.
  • William Joined The Navy

    William Joined The Navy
    William quit learning and decided to fight in World War 2 and joined the Royal Navy. He did this for about 5 years and then hopped on a boat and went right back to teaching.
  • Went Back To Teaching

    Went Back To Teaching
    William fought for a good 5 years in the Royal Navy and then returned to teaching English and Philosophy!!
  • When William Gerald Golding Published Lord of the Flies

    When William Gerald Golding Published Lord of the Flies
    William created this book to express a group of boys at young age who had found themselves deserted on an island alone. There, they gain the knowledge of developing organization skills but without any parental supervision, they soon became very chaotic and violent individuals.
  • William Wins Noble Prize For Literature

    William Wins Noble Prize For Literature
    When William was about 73 years old, he won an award in Literature from the Lord of Flies, the book he published in 1954.
  • William Knighted By Queen Elizabeth II

    William Knighted By Queen Elizabeth II
    In the year 1988, William was knighted by the Queen Elizabeth herself!!
  • William Gerald's Death

    William Gerald's Death
    In 1993, William died from a heart attack in Perranarworthal, Cornwall.