Chapter 1
How to blow a conch-A evacution plane full of children crashes on an Island.
-Ralph finds the conch shell and it becomes a signal of Authority.
-Jack tries to kill a pig, but he hesitates and the pig escapes.
-Simon passes out for the first time in the book. -
Chapter 2
how to make a signal fire-Ralph is elected Cheif
-the Hunters are established
-a litteun says he saw the beast
-the boys light a signal fire with piggy's specs. -
Chapter 3
-Jack becomes obbessed with hunting pigs.
-The divide between Ralph and Jack becomes greater and visible
-Simon discovers his secret glade. -
Chapter 4
Rescue-Roger and Maurice destroy the littleuns sandcastles.
-Jack paints his face and leads the bigguns hunting
-During the hunt a ship passes by the island and misses the boys
-Ralph bberates Jack -
Chapter 5
sea beast-Ralph calls a meeting to discuss the conditions of the island
-The boys talk about a beast from the sea
-Jack begins to talk about killing the beast -
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
-Simon discovers the dead pilot
-Ralph and Piggy go to Jack's feast
-Jack and the Hunter's attack Simon when he comes to the beach
-Simon is killed by the Hunters -
Chapter 10
Winning Hearts and Minds-Ralph returns to find that almost every bigun has joined Jack's tribe
-The Hunter's attack Ralph's tribe and steal Piggy's glasses -
Chapter 11
Niegoiting-Ralph decides to go to Castle Rock and ask for Piggy's dlasses back
-Jacks tribe abducts the twins
-Roger releases a boulder and kills Piggy -
Chapter 12
- Jack plans for the hunters to hunt Ralph -Raplh encounters the Lord of the Flies and breaks the skull. -Samneric warn Ralph about the planned hunt. -The hunters use the boulders and fire to flush Ralph out of the thicket. -Ralph flees to the beach and is rescued by the a British Navy ship. -