Todd reported the issue in KB app (AEWSO-864)
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Waiting for WSO IT assignment
Assigned to Tyler (WSO IT) -
Tyler stated LEI issue - verified, unconfirmed by WPO
Tyler assigned: StatedLEI is missing values and it appears to be an issue with the LEI replication process that is populating it. In order to populate the Lookup Manager fully, Szabi had to kick off the LEI replication process on dev/test. This is what will need to be done on prod.
Szabi: Dev/Test LEI (Moosehead server) re-setup based on deocumentation. Production LEI Logs verified, no errors found, so kept it untouch. No modification planned for production. Szabi is waiting for example (clean -
Period: to
Waiting for pure lookup.nsf example (not from KB)
Waiting for such a clean, discrete example from WSO IT (Tyler) where the issue can be seen in lookup.nsf (NILM) without any KB-only transformation to designate the issue source. Nothing arrived. -
2012 Q2 golive
Tyler stated: "This was not fixed on production during Q2 Go-Live. Will follow up with Szabi as soon as possible."
True in a manner, that WPO did not released anything NILM related, since the NILM as root cause still unprooved.
WPO did not do any NILM release with 2012 Q2.
WPO still waiting for example. -
Period: to
WPO is waiting for clean example from WSO
Oracle -> Notes data consistency re-verified for the "hardware hierarchy" view, no issues found. Still waiting for example...
lookup.nsf as root cause is still not confirmed. -
Call from Todd
Todd called me and asked if we managed to solve the issue and what is the status, I informed him it is not showed that lookup.nsf has the issue, since Tyler said:
"1. We're using Lotus Script in an agent to reach lookup.nsf, getting the values from the hardware hierarchy view.2. Our Replica ID is 86256C6C:00042104
And the "hardware hierarchy" looked good, verified and proven with screenshots several times. -
Matt showed the pure lookup.nsf example. WPO confirmed
Matt figured out that the KB code uses not the "hardware hierarchy" but "(hardware hierarchy)" which is a different Notes view object. WPO verified, confirmed the issue is rooting in the lookup.nsf Laci created a WPO JIRA Ticket: WPO Ticket -
Matt gave the example for WPO
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Szabi is working on the issue
Szabi is actively working on the NDB-22 Notes NILM ticket. Build Hierarchy agent is re-implemented in Java. -
Tyler - IT Signoff of DEV,TEST
Tyler tested and signed off on DEV, TEST.
Flattening issue discovered on dev,test,production (where we did not have code release yet). -
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Discussions on Flattening effect
Several disuccions if this is caused by the new code, or replication or what. How can production get wrong only one time, while almost never, and test sometimes. We agreed on finally to release the new code because it has more debug features than the old one. We have at least possibility to determined if it caused by the Build Hier* agent or it has any other reason. -
NILM Notes Golive
Golive. WPO is waiting for WSO signoff. -
Period: to
Waiting for WSO signoff
Meeting hold on around 12th March to sum up. Todd asked a Lessions Learned meeting, which will be hold today.