Mile's Birthday Party[137 Days]
Mile's parents insist on having a birthday party and only two people show up. -
Miles Arrives in Florida[128 Days]
Miles Gets Thrown in Lake[126 Days]
Miles gets his hands and legs tied and gets thrown into the lake. -
The Group Gets Caught Smoking[98 Days]
The eagle catches the group smoking and tells them to go to jury in a few days. -
Miles Pukes on Lara's Lap[87 Days]
After getting hit in the head with a ball, Miles gets concussed and pukes on Lara's lap. -
Alaska's Room Gets Flooded[76 Days]
Alaska's room gets flooded and almost all her books get destroyed. -
Miles tells Parents He's not going for Thanksgiving[58 Days]
After telling his parent's he's staying on campus for Thanksgiving, his parents let him know that they're going on vacation. -
Alaska Dies[0 Days]
They Find out Alaska Died[-1 Days]
The Eagle has an assembly and lets them know that she died last night. -
Chip Comes Back After Walking 84 Miles[-4 Days]
Chip comes back from walking 84 miles and lays down, he says he memorized the capitals of the states.