Looking Back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Planning (Prelim)
The Planning for our prelim was minimal. We shot the sequence without a storyboard and made up the script on the spot. This meant that we didn't know what we were doing when it came to filming. As a result we knew that for our final product we had to ensure we planned it thouroughly. -
Production (Prelim)
We spent 20 minutes on the filming of our prelim, out camera was mostly static and our tripod was broken so each shot was slightly cantered. The sequence consisted of mostly close ups and long shots, nothing too interesting. -
Post-Production (Prelim)
Since we didn't really know how to use Adobe Premier pro editing our prelim was awkward. the editing is also very shoddy with cuts between difeerent shots being unnecissarily long and many cutting errors being made. For example in the prelim We see the girl walking through the door twice. -
Planning (Final Product)
When Planning our final product we made sure we had a clear outline of everything we were filming. Our planning took 2 weeks and we created everything from storyboards to costume concepts; We even devised a script. This enabled us to film a lot more footage in alot less time. It also meant that when we got to our location we didn't need to spend too much time talking about what we had to do. The Calendar on our blog also helped us manage our time. -
Production (Final Product)
For our actual production we spent hours filming paying much more attention to detail such as cars being visible in the background. Different camera angles were used for example, we have high angle, tracking and pan shots. We also did several takes of one shot from different angles so that in editing we had a choice of shot unlike in the preliminary task where we only did one take per shot. -
Post-Production (Final Product)
Editing our final piece took a lot less time because we knew what we were doing. The cuts between each shot are alot quicker and smoother. We added music to our final product masking the noise of the wind and traffic around us. unlike in the prelim where there is not sound and it's relatively boring. We also use effects on the film to give it the 70s look we required however, although the prelim could have used colour corrector we did not have the skills to do this.