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Long term goals for Olivia

  • 19

    Step one

    Step one
    Apply to a couple part time jobs around town.
  • Step two

    Step two
    Every paycheck I get, save $20 of it and put it into savings for the vacation.
  • Step three

    Step three
    Cut out out to eat expenses and cook at home. Limit going out to one every other week.
  • Step four

    Step four
    Look up fun, safe and not super expensive places to go on the graduation vacation with friends!
  • Step five

    Step five
    Reserve a room at a hotel where the vacation will be taking place. Put my share of money in.
  • Smart goals

    Smart goals
    S: Saving for graduation vacation.
    M: I will save $20 every paycheck.
    A: I will limit my out to eat expenses.
    R: Saving for a vacation is more valuable than eating out to eat every week.
    T: I will save for 2 years.