Smart goal examples 2951827 final 5b6887cc46e0fb0050aa0bc9

Long-Term Goal

  • Graduate high school and move out

    Graduate high school and move out
    I will graduate high school, get my diploma, then move out.
  • Go to and graduate from trade school

    Go to and graduate from trade school
    I will go through trade school to get a certificate in what I want to do. This will allow me to get a good job to travel.
  • Get a good job that allows me to travel

    Get a good job that allows me to travel
    I will go into a career that allows me to travel so I will slowly reach my goal and see all 7 continents of the world.
  • Save up enough money to travel

    Save up enough money to travel
    I will save money while working so I can go to the places I haven't seen through work yet.
  • Travel to all 7 continents

    Travel to all 7 continents
    S: I want to travel to all 7 continents
    M: When I have pictures or videos of me on every continent
    A: I'm going to graduate high school and move out, go to trade school, graduate from trade school and take my diploma/certificate into the workforce, get a good job that allows me to travel around the world, and use my saved money to travel to the places I haven't been yet.
    R: I think it is very realistic given the timeline I've given myself
    T: By 2040