Long/Short term timeline

By tadoty
  • Buy a jeep

  • Job

    Get a job or two to get the money I'm spending on this type of transportation and side things besides that
  • Goal List

    Create a goal list to spend less and be able to prioritize
  • Savings account

    Create a savings account in my bank to save money
  • Money

    Figure out what i need to save and how much the jeep would be in order for me to buy it no payment down
  • Buy

    Pay for the jeep with $100 payment down
  • Jeep monthly payments

  • Monthly amounts

    Pay the monthly payments that are required
  • Money

    keep track of money so you dont fall short on payments
  • Gas

    You need to be able to provide gas money for yourself depening on how far or much you drive
  • Cars

    Be able to look for cars in case a jeep becomes to much to handle with too much gas being wasted to fast etc.
  • Pay off

    Be able to pay off the jeep so you dont have to pay your monthly payments anymore