5400 BCE
First marine organisms
First marine organisms with hard parts such as clams, snails, and trilobites, appear in the fossil record. -
4200 BCE
First major land plants
First major land plants appear in the fossil record. -
1650 BCE
First Dinosaurs
First Dinosaurs appear in the fossil record. -
1200 BCE
Asian Hunters Enter Americas 12000 B.C.
They enter via a land bridge where the Bering Strait is now -
1000 BCE
Paleo Indian period begins. 10000 B.C.
650 BCE
Extinction 65 million B.C.
Dinosaurs become extinct. -
Hopewell, a mound-building culture of the Ohio Valley, spreads influence as far as Louisiana, Iowa, and New York. -
Dec 24, 800
Holocene Epoch Begins 8000 B.C.
Apr 16, 1000
Mississippi THRIVES boi
Mississippian culture develops in Eastern Woodlands. -
May 14, 1100
Largest ceremonial center of Mississippi
Largest ceremonial center of Mississippian Mound Builders at Cahokia has 10000 inhabitants. -
Sep 16, 1300
Iroquois League formed
Iroquois League formed in Northeast; Anasazi abandon pueblos in Southwest. -
Oct 13, 1492
Columbus "Discovers" America.
Dec 16, 1492
Christopher Columbus reaches the Americas.
Feb 20, 1497
John Cabot takes a "drive"
He sails up the coast of Newfoundland for England. -
Aug 10, 1497
John's done drivin' for now
John Cabot claims Newfoundland for England. -
Aug 9, 1513
Juan Ponce de Leon explores Florida for Spain. -
Jun 17, 1517
Protestant Reformation
Protestant Reformation begins as Protestants break off from the Catholic Church. -
Jan 18, 1521
Hernando ain't playin'
Hernando Cortez conquers Inca Empire for Spain. -
Jun 17, 1533
Francisco Pizarro conquers Inca Empire for Spain
Yep. -
Apr 17, 1535
Jacques Cartier sails
Carter sails down St. Lawrence River, claims land for France. -
Sep 19, 1541
Soto reaches Mississippi river for Spain.
Jun 3, 1562
France gets ornery
France challenges Spain for control of Florida. -
Aug 21, 1577
Sir Francis Drake raids Spanish ships.
oh yeah -
Oct 13, 1578
Queen Elizabeth the 1st lays down some rules
Queen Elizabeth 1 issues first charter for English colonization to Sir Humphrey Gilbert. -
Gilbert leads expedition to Newfoundland.
mr. krabs -
Walter Raleigh takes up Gilbert's charter.
English won a battle guys!
England defeats Spanish Armada, delaying White's relief expedition to North Carolina. -
Sir Walter Raleigh is imprisoned.
Jamestown, Virginia, is founded.
First Africans brought to Virginia colony.
Pilgrims reach Massachusetts.
Happy Thanksgiving Pilgrims!
Pilgrims and Native Americans celebrate the first Thanksgiving in Plymouth. -
KIng Charles being generous
King Charles grants Carolana to Sir Robert Heath. -
Puritan settle Massachusetts Bay Colony
Roger Williams establishes Providence
Roger Williams establishes Providence, Rhode Island. Thomas Hooker founds Hartford, Connecticut. -
Anne Hutchinson settles in Portsmouth, Rhode Island.
Settlers begin to arrive in Carolina.
Dutch Gives NA
The Dutch surrender New Amsterdam to the English. -
William Penn gets Charter
Penn obtains charter form King Charles II to establish Pennsylvania.