The Death of my Grandma really put me in a time where life was hard. She was not my first big loss in life but she was the closest one I have yet to loose. Life hit a rough patch during this time, but during the time after her death I learned something I will never forget The time after loss is when one should sit and just think about the memories shared with this person. Remember the fun times and the good times.The moment where you should just think about their voice so you know not to forget. -
Mr. Koestner
6th grade little Tim is in his Pre-Algebra Class with his new teacher Mr. Koestner. Mr. Koestner had a good way figured out to teach us percents. He gave us a real world situation with the stock market. He taught us how to use it, read graphs, and even calculate standard percents on fees a broker would charge you. This lesson of the stock market itself has taught me to really keep my head in the game and keep going with the stock market, where I see how money can be made! -
The Day i found out I had scoliosis was a day where I didn't really know what to do. A day in which I experienced so many emotions I just wanted to sit down and figure life out all over again as a 14 year old. I was told that I had to wear a brace until i finished growing and I was definitely going to be a candidate for surgery. Today I have scoliosis still and have decided to definitely not get the surgery. Different methods are being looked at to make life a little easier. -
My 8th grade I started football. Football has given me so much. Footbal;l has given me a brotherhood between my "boys". We are group that is always for each other wether on the field or off the field. We will always have each others back and we all know it. -
New Milford
The purchase of a property up in New Milford CT has shown me how I have a love for seeing something from start to finish. The countless lesson my dad has taught me with this property have been worth way more than the property itself. The different trades needed to build something. The different ways to use money and take out legit loans. And just overall how to be a better business minded person to see the bigger picture of something. -
New York is a jungle of concrete, steel, glass, and people. Some hate it, some love it & the day I found out I loved it was the day I went to the top of the Freedom Tower. 100+ stories above the greatest city in the world really showed me how being in this place will never disappoint. The fast elevator ride up gave me that city rush The presentation before entering the observatory was exquisite and interesting like the people. And finally the view was where I knew I had no limits in this place. -
Crashing Dad's Car
Blinded by the intense glare of the sun, I ran the car into a parked dump truck.The crash was instantaneous and I found myself looking at a deflated airbag and my music still on full blast. I jumped out of the car and sat on the curb. With my head in my hands, I suddenly hear a neighbors car coming down the road. I immediately hopped off the curb and started yelling for him to stop. He luckily heard me and stopped 10 feet away from my car. After stopping he thanked me for saving him and his son. -
Sister's Hurdle
Some people say that family is everything to them and that's how it should be but during this time period I went through myself the toughest family struggle I've had to endure thus far in my short life. During this time I found that I actually cared about this little girl that I called my sister. Wether it was the nightly talks to her, the constant motivation given to her, or the constant listening to anything and everything -
First Job
Work...Work...Work... Seems like nowadays everybody talks about work, So I decided to hop on the bandwagon and get a job. This job in a restaurant has taught me some very valuable lessons in life, such as how to prioritize my tasks, how to treat people with proper etiquette and lastly a work ethic!