When I was born
I was born at North Kansas city Hospital on January 17,2003 at 3;33 . It was a cold wintery night that night. In the hospital was warm from the hundreds of heating systems on each floor. Cite of picture : https://www.google.com/search?q=baby&espv=2&rlz=1CASMAE_enUS676US677&biw=1366&bih=677&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiW1eD7mMPLAhXhtoMKHTD1C6gQ_AUIBigB&surl=1&safe=active&ssui=on#safe=strict&tbm=isch&q=new+born+baby&imgrc=R66u6_j4yw3bsM%3A -
Breaking an arm
It was sometime in summer when I was at my grandmas and with my cousin and we were jumping off the couch onto pillows when my cousin pushed me off and I broke my arm. -
Dance Recital
It was the big day coming up in a few hours and I was super nervous to preform in front of hundreds of people. A moment I will truly never forget in my life. -
Early Bday Party
I went to dinner and had a sleepover with one of my bestfriends and I got face wash in my eyeball, it was crazy and painful but a great memories to remember. -
first best friend sleepover
Kayla, Abby and I all wanted to have a sleepover since we were all super close best friends and it was so much fun and a great time in my life! -
Choir concert
Choir concert was super fun and one of my best friends carrington was there and we rocked that competition for choir! Our whole choir family was amazing! -
Alyssa Bday party
We were at alyssa green's bday party and were playing a game were there was a big bowl of whipped cream and gummy worms on the bottom and we had to get all the gummy worms