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Liz's Legacy

  • Birth!

    I was born in Grand Rapids at 6:33 am. I was the good baby because my mom's epidural actually worked during my birth, unlike my brothers.
  • Period: to


  • Starts to Crawl

    Starts to Crawl
    I was a strong little lady and began to crawl!
  • Starts Walking

    Starts Walking
    This lady became even stronger and started walking. This is when I started to become a little nightmare.
  • Liz is Vocal

    Liz is Vocal
    This is when the nightmare really began. As soon as I could talk really well, I could be my sassy little self. This was when my temper tantrum era started.
  • Started Dance

    Started Dance
    I started dancing at Caledonia Dance Center and absolutely hated it because I was so shy. Unfortunately, my mom always made me go back every week.
  • Neighborhood

    At this age, many of the kids in the Whistleridge neighborhood became really close and we would hang out every day. This included many Byron Families such as the Savages, Nitz's, Shiers, TerHaars, etc.
  • 2008 Election

    2008 Election
    Barack Obama is the first African American President of the United States.
  • Tried Sports

    Tried Sports
    Since I would have major tantrums at dance, my mom wanted to see if I liked more traditional sports better. She put me in Upwards Basketball and I had a tantrum. She then put me in T Ball and I liked it a lot, but only because I could turn and leap from one base to the next.
  • Competitive Dance

    Competitive Dance
    Even though I had been dancing for a while, in 2010 I decided to take it more seriously and compete my solo.
  • Growing

    This was the year I started to really show my height. I grew an extreme amount over a year and it ended up stretching out some of my organs and causing some issues.
  • First time out of country

    First time out of country
    For Thanksgiving, our family decided to head out of the country and go to Mexico. This was my first big trip and started my love for traveling.
  • Vice President

    Vice President
    In 3rd grade I was voted into student council and decided I would try and run for Vice President. I ended up winning and did absolutely nothing with that title.
  • Expander & Braces

    Expander & Braces
    4th grade was the year that I had a ton of dental work done. I started the year with an expander..... and then I got to get my braces. I started with blue and purple rubber bands which made me look like I had rotting teeth. Bad decisions.
  • Concussion

    At dance I was supposed to do a backhand spring. I got really tired and ended up wimping out halfway and landed right on my head. My mom didn't believe me at first when I said something wasn't right, but I ended up having to stay home from school for a month because it was so severe.
  • Bad Friend Group

    Bad Friend Group
    This year was really bad for me because I got into the sixth grade in-group and tried so hard to stay someone I wasn't. Everyone was extremely mean to each other and would make comments about each others appearances, weight, etc.
  • Panic Attacks

    Panic Attacks
    At the very beginning of 7th grade, I began having very intense panic attacks at school. My worst happened in Mr. Chapman's class where someone had to wheel me out of the classroom on a chair. At a point, I had to get tested for seizures because they were so extreme.
  • Peter Pan Jr.

    Peter Pan Jr.
    This was my second musical I ever did, but the first show where I had a (kinda) significant role. I played Mrs. Darling in Peter Pan Jr,, which at the time, I liked to consider my first lead (it was not).
  • Last year of dance

    Last year of dance
    Freshman year I decided that I was more into singing and theatre than dancing and made the decision to quit. For the first time I was able to go to football games and do things outside of school.
  • Europe!

    Our Europe trip was for my brothers senior year. We went to London, Italy (Rome and Florence) and Greece (Athens, Crete and Santorini). This trip is the reason I want to travel for as long as I possibly can and hopefully visit almost every country.

    The President declared a national emergency regarding COVID
  • First Main Lead

    First Main Lead
    Junior year, the musical was Freaky Friday and I ended up getting the lead role alongside Abbie Wester's who is one of my close friends. It wasn't the most ideal situation due to COVID but it was still such a fun experience.
  • Capitol Attack

    Capitol Attack
    A mob attacked the Capitol which resulted in injuries and a death
  • MSU!

    After visiting some different colleges and getting accepted to all of them, I decided on going to Michigan State University. That's where I have planned on going most of my life and is also where my brother goes.