Liz Godwin Portfolio

  • Period: 1450 to

    Events that follow Columbus' Exploration

  • Oct 20, 1492


    Columbus was going to Cuba to trade, but ended up in the Bahamas. He had 3 ships, but the Santa Maria was his flagship.
  • 1512


    Hispaniola wanted slaves so they didn't have to do the work.
  • 1519


    Cortez sails to the capital of the Aztec empire.
  • Aug 13, 1521


    Hernan Cortez received the surrender from the Aztec people.
  • 1527


    Bartrlome De Las Casas did not like Indian slavery and wanted it became the "Protector of the Indians".
  • 1535


    Pizarro founds and calls Lima, Peru the City of the Kings, after he defeated the Incas.
  • 1590

    John White gets home to Roanoke Island and finds everyone gone. It is still a mystery today, how everyone in the colony disappeared.
  • 1607

    The English started a new settlement called Jamestown, on the banks of the James River. It was started by 100 members of the Virginia Company.
  • 1608

    Champlain was sent by Dugua to start a new french colony. He was successful, it was called Quebec.
  • 1619

    Governor George Yardley made a legislative group from the 13 colonies. It met for the first time in 1619 at a church in Jamestown to set the price for selling tobacco.
  • 1620

    The Pilgrims arrived at Plymouth for religious freedom.
  • 1634

    Mathias de Sousa was an indentured servant and worked for Father Andrew White from 1634-1638, when he became a free man. He traded furs and other goods.
  • 1682

    William Penn established Pennsylvania for religious freedom in America.
  • 1733

    James Oglethorpe was the one who planned and founded Georgia. He had 114 colonists follow him up the bluff from Savannah.