living timeline

By cade$
  • Highschool Graduation

    Highschool Graduation
    Today I graduate Highschool.
  • Job before college

    Job before college
    During the summer I worked at Wilson County Meat Market.
  • Going to college

    Going to college
    September 2019- May 2025
    Today I am going to college at Texas A&M University. I will attend this school for 6 years to earn a Master's Degree in Agriculture Engineering.
  • first College Job

     first College Job
    My college job is working at a farmers market.
  • Bachehlor Degree

    Today I earned a Bachehlors Degree
  • Masters Degree

    Today I earned a masters degree
  • First Job for my majior

    First Job for my majior
    I now work as a Agricultre Engineer for Cargill.