Little Milestones

  • Born

    Born 3 days late via c-section. 9 pounds 11 oz.
  • Remained in hospital due to infection

    Had meconium poisoning from being born so late. Mother was infected too.
  • Went home healthy

    Recovered and finally got to go home.
  • Trouble sleeping, colic

    Up for many nights crying, couldnt sleep. Possible effect from meconium poisoning.
  • Developed responses to noise and facial expression

    Became more aware of surroundings.
  • 2 month check up

    Remained above in height and weight percentiles
  • Cereal was introduced to diet

    Was developing very quickly. Formula was not sufficient.
  • Introduction of baby food/solid food

    Enjoyed most baby food.
    Still wasnt sufficient.
    Easier solid foods were introduced.
  • Developed attachment to "blanky"

    Became attached to my blanky. Slept with it every night. Took it places. Became very upset when blanky could not be found.
  • Formation of baby attitude

    Became very fussy baby at times.
    Very particular.
  • First word

    Said first word (mom)
  • Swallowed penny

  • First dentist appointment

    Everything looked greated. Teeth developing normally.
  • First plane ride

    Went to Florida
  • Broke left arm

  • Made first friends

    Became friends with the two babies from my neighborhood.
  • Started sleeping on own in crib

  • Tantrums subside

    After getting a regular sleep schedule in my own bed, mood increases and tantrums decrease. Happier baby :)
  • Started scribling lines and drawing

    Always loved to doodle. Mother would bring a note pad and pen everywhere for me to scribble.
  • Started to become more independant

    Dressed self, fed self
  • Interest in repetitive song/games

    Loved the memory game and singing along to Barney.
  • Potty Trained

    Potty trained early at 18 months.
  • Started to talk more, read and sing

    Started to really develop reading and social skills.
    Memorization increased.
  • Social butterly takes flight

    Talked to everyone. Even strangers in the grocery store. I was a very social toddler.
  • Baby sister is born.

    Sister Casey is born. 9 pounds 6 ounces.
  • Started Day Care

    Attended fulltime day care everyday at Dearborn Christian Day Care.
  • Became secure with being dropped off at day care.

    Started to become fairly independant. Didnt cry when being dropped off and started to like attending day care.
  • Joined figure skating class.

    Entered ice skating class at garden city ice arena.
    Skated for 10 years after that.
  • Creativity begings to flow

    Took great interest in making crafts and painting.
  • Helping out in kitchen

    Took interest in baking and cooking. Helping mom to make meals and set table. Loved watching cooking shows.
  • First own pet

    2 pet rabbits. Was responsible for taking care of them.
  • Start softball

  • Experienced first close death in family.

  • First grade.

    Started first grade.
  • First time being bullied in first grade.

  • Meet first best friend

    Met first best friend Lauren in 2nd grade
  • First skating competition

    @ Mike Madono in Westland received 5th place
  • First own pet

    Got a bunny rabbit. Had to take care of it on my own
  • Childrens World Day Camp

    Started to go to Childrens World day camp in Dearborn every summer week day because my parents worked.
  • Basketball try out

    First basketball try out. Made practice team third grade
  • Visited psychiatrist

    Had fear of death and parents dying
  • Discovered love for acting, singing & filming

    In third grade my family got a new video recorder. I used it to make tons of movies with my friends, writing the scripts and directing
  • Cedar point for the first time

    Discovered love for roller coasters that summer
  • Parents divorce

    The middle of fourth grade my parents told me and my sister that they were getting a divorce.
  • Break up with Joe

    After dating for 2.5 years, Joe and I broke up, during one of the most hardest times in my life.
  • 9/11

    I was in fourth grade. I went to the office feeling sick right before the first tower was hit. My dad came to pick me up from school and told everyone that one of the world trade centers had been hit. By the time we got home the other one had been hit as well. We watched the news all after noon together.
  • Grandma Bates moves in

    My grandma had been sick for a while with pancreatic cancer. She came to live with us. I gave her my room and she slept in there in a hospital bed. My mother/father had to take care of her. She moved out a month later because she became too ill.
  • Grandma Bates passes away

    My mothers mom, Rita Bates. Passed away at home with everyone there.
  • First cat

    My mom was allergic to cats and I always wanted one but she would never allow it. When my grandma died, she decided to take her cat, MIttens in.
  • RV trip south

    The summer after my grandma passed, my aunt Cindy and uncle Bob and my 3 cousins came up from Florida in their RV. When they left, me and my younger sister Casey joined on the ride them back to Florida. We stopped in Georgia, Tennessee and Kentucky to camp on the way. My sister and I stayed in Florida for two months that summer. I learned alot about myself and became more responsible living away from my mom and dad, with my younger sister.
  • First boyfriend

    The beginning of 5th grade I had my first boyfriend, Shane.
  • Made A team basketball 5th grade

    Played higher level basketball with the 6th graders
  • AOL instant messanger

    First got the internet and aol instant messanger.
  • New life for us and dad

    My dad had got a new house with his new girlfriend Donna and her 5 kids. My sister and I started to go over there everyday after school. We became very close with Donna and her children.
  • Dad remarries

    Dad marries Donna at Secretary of state. We do not attend the ceremony and either do her kids.
  • Camp Wolverine

    6th grade camp in Wolverine Michgan. Stayed there for a week with classmates in a cabin. Woke up every morning at 6am, did chores, did challenges, crosscountry skied, sled outside in 4 ft of snow, learned how to survive in the wilderness and the wildllife. One of the most amazing experiences ive had.
  • 7th grade sadness

    In the beginning of seventh grade I had become sad about my parents divorce and his new house/life.
  • New best friend

    Also in 7th grade I started to make a new best friend, Becca, someone I had known since 1st grade. Becca and I are still best friends today.
  • Voted secretary of 8th grade class

  • High school placement test

    Took the test to get into Divine Child High School and passed.
  • 8th grade graduation

    Graduated from St. Raphael in Garden City.
  • Experienced anxiety

    Started to experience high anxiety about going to high school. Also experienced social anxiety in public.
  • First menstrual cycle

    Started going into highschool. I was also so worried that I would never start because all my friends had years before me.
  • First day of high school

    First day at Divine Child. Was so nervous I puked before going to school. (embarassing)
  • Start to become closer with younger sister

    When I was in tenth grade, my sister and I started to develop more of a friendship. When she was younger she had been more attached to my mom.
  • Dad remarries

    Dad remarries woman named Debbie. Dont attend this one either.
  • 16th birthday

    Got my license and was able to drive my car.
  • First serious boyfriend

    Dated friend Joe from school.
  • High school graduation

    Graduate from high school.
  • First day at schoolcraft college

  • Eminem/Jay Z concert at comerica

    The best concert I have ever seen. One of the best times of my life
  • First job

    First job at Panera Bread.
  • Dad is diagnosed with Leukemia

    Visit dad at Oakwood Dearborn, he is in high spirits and is ready to face his treatment.
  • Dads health continues to decline

    Dad was moved to the ICU floor at Oakwood and is put on a ventilator. He had become very sick. We had to wear protective gowns, masks and gloves while visiting.
  • Dad goes into cardiac arrest.

    Doctors revive him. Wife signs papers to not practice resuscitation if it happens again.
  • Dad passes away.

    After sitting down and talking with the doctors, the best decision was to take out the breathing tube, and letting him pass. We all got alone time with him, doctors removed the tube and then we all gathered in his room to watch him go peacefully. It was one of the saddest but most beautiful times of my life. We lost our father but he was free. And no longer in pain or struggle.
  • Discoved eastern philosophy

    Began to research eastern philosophy and grow a whole new appreciation for spirituality.
  • Canada trips at 19

    Spent almost every weekend in Canada that summer. Great memories.
  • Started practicing yoga

    Started a daily practice at home
  • Picked up second job at Olgas

    Started serving at Olgas.
  • Took year off of school.

  • Good friend almost dies in motorcycle accident

    One of my best friends had broken both of his legs, his neck, and his arm in an almost fatal accident.
  • Declared major as nursing

    After seeing my dad in the hospital, I had found what I needed to do for my career. I realized helping others is the job I want to do.
  • Started school again

    Felt great to take classes again. Got in the lab with anatomy and chemistry and really started to fall in love with science.
  • Skating at Campus Martius

    The first time I had been on skates in 5 years. It was a very special moment for me.
  • Beginning to bounce back

    Started to feel like me again, became more true to myself. Started to appreciate exisistence and accept the passing of my father.
  • Met Eric this day too :)

    Went to highschool with Eric. Met him 3 years after I graduted at my best friends birthday party that night.
  • Job interview at Credit Union

    Had interview at Dearborn Federal Credit union. Got the job that day.
  • Quit Panera and Olgas

  • Began training for new job

    Started training at DFCU
  • Started to date Eric

    This is the day Eric asked me to be his girlfriend
  • 21st Birthday

    Went out with my friends downtown
  • Sister graduates from high school.

    Sister graduates from Divine Child.
  • Spend summer with Dad's parents

    Spent a few weeks upnorth in Bay City spending time with my father's parents.
  • Chicago trip

    Went to Chicago by bus. Stayed for 5 days.
  • Aunt Cindy is diagnosed with cancer

  • Aunt Cindy Passes away.

    My mothers sister cindy, The one who i spent my time in Flordida with had passed away.