
  • 225


    the north carloina shorelines was created about 225millions year ago. after the appalichians were created the shore lines came shortlyafter them through erosin from the moutinas and othe rock formations
  • 465

    blue ridge moutians

    blue ridge moutians
    the blue ridge moutians a re 250 million years old. it was created the same way as the appalchian moutians. they were formed when the oceanic plates and the contennintal plates colidide and created the moutains.
  • Mar 18, 600

    mississippi river

    mississippi river
    the mississippi river was created 200 millions years ago. and was created by an ice age. and glacssers were sliding and dumping sedament along the river. thus creating the mississpi river
  • Mar 18, 1414

    fall zone

    fall zone
    no spacific date. the fall zone is an area of north carlonia with the piedmont and the coastial plans eroide were the rocks are ersion ressetiant and and very smooth
  • pennington formation

    pennington formation
    this is to date fossils back to ealry as possible. this is important because we can use the fossils to help under stand the contintenatal drift theroy.
  • earth quake in florida

    earth quake in florida
    In October, 1977 the Earthquake Seismograph Station at the University of Florida became operational. No local events were recorded until November when a slight shock was recorded north over peninsular Florida. This tremor was not large enough to be felt, but was recorded as Richter magnitude .8.
  • cape fear

    cape fear
    cape fear is a river basian and is made of sandy mudstone, yellowish gray to bluish gray clay. it main use is to transfer water frome one area to the other
  • Appalachians

    the appalachins were created about 480 million years ago. they are one of the most popular mountian ridges in north carolina and were created by a covergent boundary.
  • barrier islands

    barrier islands
    the barrie island were created about 18,000 year ago. the sea level was about 300 feet lower then it is about now and the climate was much cooler. sediments begain to gather on the shoerlines and they bulit up and harden and created the islands.
    the barrier islands is like a outer protection of the the shores for nc.