Jan 1, 1066
Also known as the medieval era, was the time between the fall of the roman empire and the beggining of the moderm world was centered around the church :
Geoffrey Chaucer- The centerbury Tles
Sir Thomas Malory- Le Morte D' Arthur -
Jan 1, 1500
It was a cultural and artistic movement which although had a slow start , it dominates art forms, literature and music while visual was much less significant.:
William Shakespeare-Romeo and Juliet
Thomas Wyatt- Blame not my lute. -
RESTORATION (1660-1700)
It was one of the most significant period however was the coming together of England, Scotland and Wales to become Great Britain by the 1707 act union.
Jhon Dryden- The hind and the Panther
Jhon Milton-Paradaise Lost. -
18th CENTURY (1701-1800)
Publishing boomed in England, it was the fact that legal restraints on printing were heavily loosened this gave way to the rise in literacy by the end of 18 century 60-70 percent of men could read with a smaller percentage of women
Robert Burns-To a mouse
Samuel Richardson-Pamela -
ROMANTICSM (1735-1832)
It was a time where people valued emotion passion and individuality over traditional values, the popular theme was about finding peace and confort in nature rather than cities
Lord Byron- Don Juan
William Blake-The Sick Rose -
It was a time of great change in English society, England was brought to its highest point of development as a world power.
Oscar Wild- The Picture od Dorian Grey
Charles Dickens- A Christmas Carol -
MODERNISM (1914-1945)
There were many cultural trends and changes traditional forms of art , architecture, literature, religious , philosophy and activities of daily life, becoming outdated of an emerging fully industrializaded darkness
Josehep Conrad- Heart od Darkness
Virginia Wool -Orlando -
It came about as a reaction to the world war and it is known for its rebellions approach and willingness to test boundaries.
Zadie Smith,- The Autograp Man
Doris Lessing-The Grass is singing