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Literary Memorial Museum of Dostoevsky

  • House building

    House building
    The chronology of the house building is referred to the first part of the XIX century. The house in Politseyskaya street belonged to the tailor M. D. Soloviev-Dmitriev, Dostoevsky got to know during his imprisonment at hard labor in Omsk.
  • Isaevs' move to Kuznetsk

    Isaevs' move to Kuznetsk
    In 1855 Dostoevsky's future wife Maria Isaeva moved to Kuznetsk with his husband (dead soon after) and settled down in the Soloviev-Dmitriev's house.
  • Dostoevsky's arrival to Kuznetsk and his wedding with Maria Isaeva

    Dostoevsky's arrival to Kuznetsk and his wedding with Maria Isaeva
    At the beginning of February 1857 Dostoevsky came to Kuznetsk, where he married Maria Isaeva in The Church of The God's Mothers's Icon "Odiguitria". They lived in the house in Politseyskaya street for 2 weeks and then leaved for Semipalatinsk.
  • Renaming of Politseyskaya street

    Renaming of Politseyskaya street
    In 1901 at citizens' request Politseyskaya street was named after Dostoevsky.
  • Decree on the Conservation of Dostoevsky's house

    Decree on the Conservation of Dostoevsky's house
    On March 22 in 1918 the County counsil of Kuznetsk issued a decree on the conservation of the house, where Dostoevsky lived in 1857.
  • Decree on the opening of the library

    Decree on the opening of the library
    On March 19 in 1921 the County counsil of Kuznetsk issued a decree on the opening of the library named after Dostoevsky in the house, where the writer lived in 1857.
  • Decree of Council of ministers № 624

    Decree of Council of ministers № 624
    On December 4 in 1974 the Council of ministers issued the decree № 624. Accoding to this decree the house, where Dostoevsky lived in 1857, achieved the status of a state scheduled monument.
  • Opening of the Literary Memorial Museum of Dostoevsky

    Opening of the Literary Memorial Museum of Dostoevsky
    On May 17 in 1980 the Literary Memorial Museum of Dostoevsky was opened as a branch of the Local History Museum of Novokuznetsk.
  • Obtaining of the status of independent institution

    Obtaining of the status of independent institution
    On March 1 in 1991 the museum obtined the status of independent culture institution. It recieved the rights to use the memorial house of the writer at 40 Dostoevsky street and service and office building at 29 Dostoevsky street.
  • Unveiling of the bronze bust of Dostoevsky

    Unveiling of the bronze bust of Dostoevsky
    On November 11 in 2001 the bronze bust of Dostoevsky performed by A. Bragin was unveiled in the territory of the museum.
  • Obtaining of the status of the Wonder of Novokuznetsk

    Obtaining of the status of the Wonder of Novokuznetsk
    Literary Memorial Museum of Dostoevsky is one of the Seven Wonders of Novokeznetsk. It obtained this status in 2008 accoding to the public election results.
  • Inclusion in the list of Kuzbass Golden Ring

    Inclusion in the list of Kuzbass Golden Ring
    Literary Memorial Museum of Dostoevsky is a brilliant site of Novokuznetsk and Kemerovo region. In 2014 on the initiative of Aman Tuleev it was included in the list of Kuzbass Golden Ring monuments.
  • Our times

    Our times
    Now the museum has its permanent exposition dedicated to the days that Dostoevsky spent in Kuznetsk.
  • The Future

    The Future
    We hope that such cultural monuments as Literary memorial museum of Dostoevsky will have a very long life. And we'll be able to save it and may be to develop and improve it.