Literary History

  • Read First Memorable Book

    As a story before bed, my mother read me the story "Love You Forever" by Robert Munsch.
  • Read First Memorable Poem

    In preschool, I read my first memorable poem, which was the nursery rhyme "Hickory Dickory Dock".
  • Read First Book By Myself

    In first grade, I read the first book on my own, "Green Eggs and Ham" by Dr. Seuss.
  • Completed First Piece of Writing

    My second-grade teacher, Mrs. Gibson inspired me to write a story about my first time hunting, where I was with my father when he killed a turkey, which was very exciting for me to see.
  • Read Favorite Classical Book

    In 5th grade, I read my favorite classical book, "The Rifle" by Gary Paulsen. At the time, I knew that it was a good book, but didn't know that it would later become my favorite.
  • Read "The Hatchet"

    The one book that I heard everyone in 5th-grade talking about was "The Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen. This was such a popular book that it took me almost a month after hearing about it to finally get a copy at the library. I read it and liked that it talked about survival and the outdoors, that I started basing my narrative writings around some of the same concepts.
  • Learned Formal Writing Style

    In 6th grade, I was fortunate enough to have Mrs. Klein. She taught me how to write formally and properly. I still use many of these writing tactics today.
  • Refined Formal Writing Skills

    Two of my 8th grade teachers, Mrs. Shrift and Mr. Branas helped me to refine and perfect my formal writing skills.
  • Explored Different Writing Styles

    In 9th grade, Dr. Mock brought me into exploring many creative writing styles with her assignments.
  • Read Shakespeare for the First Time

    Dr. Mock explored the writings of Shakespeare with my class, which contributed to my writings that year.
  • Read "Macbeth" by Shakespeare

    Ms. Yevchak picked up where Dr. Mock left off and started off 10th grade with reading and writing about one of Shakespeare's works.
  • Read "The Great Gatsby"

    To finish 10th grade, we read "The Great Gatsby" and explored its meanings.
  • Read "Animal Farm"

    As part of my 11th grade year, Mrs. Livermore explored the meanings of the book "Animal Farm"