Johann Pestalozzi
Pestalozzi published a study that focused in on the seriousness of development of children in the earliest years of their life. -
Pavlov, Watson and Skinner all said that children learn through reward and punishment. They believed in behavior modification. -
Family Systems
Bowen believed that individuals have to be understood within the emotional unit family rather than a single person -
Abraham Maslow believed that all basic human needs such as eating, sleeping and emotional health must be met before a child can truly learn in a classroom setting -
Child Development Associate/ National Credentialing Program
These were both put into place to assure that educators entering the field were fully qualified to be teachers to students, Teachers must complete their CDA before entering the classroom. -
Erik Erikson believed that there are different stages of social and emotional development. He also believed that these different stages effected early relationships and learning in a childs life. -
Individuals With Disabilities Act
This provided early intervention for infants and toddlers that showed early signs of disabilities. This provided them with the special education services necessary to help them progress in their education. -
No Child Left Behind Act
This act held students to higher expectations. Students were required to pass a specific mile stones and standardized exams in order to move onto a higher grade level. This was also set in place because schools needed to meet requirements in order to receive state and federal funding. -
Good Start, Grow Smart
This was the early childhood version of No Child Left Behind. This required three and four year old programs to have english, language arts and math learning guidelines set in place so that there was a base level of knowledge for when these children enter Kindergarten. -
Head Start Act
All teachers are required to have the minimum of a CDA credentials and in addition have training in Early Childhood Development with a focus on infant and toddlers by 2012 in order to work with children.