Literacy Timeline

  • Reading Readiness

    the point at which a person is ready to learn to read and the time during which a person transitions from being a non-reader into a reader.
  • Schema Theory

    Schema Theory
    Schema theory focuses on the role old knowledge plays in acquiring new knowledge.
  • The reading comprehension test

    This comprehension test was designed to determine the skills involved in reading comprehension that are deemed most important by authorities.
  • Why Johnny Can't Read: And What You Can Do About It

    Why Johnny Can't Read: And What You Can Do About It
    The classic book on phonics--the method of teaching recommended by the U.S. Department of Education.
  • Montessori

    the literacy process should be based on skills. Small kids get started with learning sounds and letters through eye-hand work, concentration on practical activities as well as when they touch and recognize materials of various shape and size.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    Offered new grants to districts serving low-income students, federal grants for textbooks and library books.
  • Piaget-Cognitive Development

    Piaget-Cognitive Development
    Stages of cognitive development used by literacy educators.
  • National Literacy Act

    To enhance the literacy and basic skills of adults, to ensure that all adults in the United States acquire the basic skills necessary to function effectively and achieve the greatest possible opportunity in their work and in their lives,
  • Balanced Comprehensive Approach

    States no single method or single combination of methods can teach all children to read.
  • Reading Excellence Act

    Provides competitive grants to states to improve reading skills of students and the instructional practices of teachers of reading.
  • National Reading Panel

    Panel with the stated aim of assessing the effectiveness of different approaches used to teach children to read and comprehend
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    The law held schools accountable for how kids learned and achieved. Grants from the Federal Government.
  • National Early Literacy Panel

    Research on the development of early literacy skills in children ages zero to five
  • Common Core Standards

    Set learning goals that outline what a student should know and be able to do at the end of each grade.
  • Read to Succeed

    Read to Succeed
    Act 284, created to address literacy performance in South Carolina and put in place a comprehensive system to ensure SC students graduate on time with the literacy skills they need to be successful.
  • Cites (2020). H.R. 751 — 102nd Congress: National Literacy Act of 1991. Retrieved from
    U.S Department of Education.
    Morrow, L. M. (2015). Literacy Development in the Early Years (7th ed.).