Literacy Timeline Assignment - Education 314

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    Education Improvement Act

    The Education Improvement Act of 1984 raised the state's sales tax by 1 cent to the dollar to help the state fund advanced classes, higher teacher salaries, early childhood programs, and High school exiting exams. This act helped to better prepare students for life and work after graduation. This act is still currently in place by maintaining the tax increase for educational purposes.
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    No Child Left Behind Act

    The goal of the No Child Left Behind Act was to close the achievement gap in school to ensure that "no child was left behind". The act was created in December 2001 and was put into place in 2002. The No Child Left Behind Act required states to test their students in math and reading during grades 3rd-8th and at least once in High school.
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    Read to Succeed Act

    The Read to Succeed Act is a systemic approach to reading that allows teacher to periodically reassess their instruction and determine if they are adequately ensuring each student is becoming a proficient reader. This act allowed classroom teachers to use evidence-based reading instruction in Pre-K to 12th grade to ensure all students develop proficiency in literacy comprehension.
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    Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

    In 2015, President Obama signed the Every Student Succeeds Act, or ESSA, to replace the No Child Left Behind Act. This act helped to advance equity to disadvantaged students in school. This law also required students to be taught at High school standards that would better prepare them for college and their future. The ESSA encouraged positive changes in the lowest-performing school that had lower than average graduation rates. This act is still in place today.
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    South Carolina Bill 5024

    For the 2016-2017 school year, South Carolina passed Bill 5024 that provided training to literacy coaches and literacy teachers in grades kindergarten through third grade regarding dyslexia. The goal of this program was to provide students who struggled with dyslexia the adequate literacy assistance that they required.