1st grade
My 1st grade teacher read the Junie-b-Jones series to our class. -
2nd grade
My 2nd grade teacher read the Magic Tree house books to my class. -
summer between 2nd and 3rd grade
My mom made me and my little siblings go to bible school and we would read short stories to our classes. -
3rd grade
My 3rd grade teacher Mrs.Hill would make students sit in front of the class and read out of our text books. -
4th grade
Every Wednesday in 4th grade my teacher would give the students a chapter to read out of our class books and we would have to summarize the chapter in our own words. -
5th grade
My 5th grade english teacher Mrs.Jackson made us do reading logs and we had a point goal and if we met our point goal then we got to play kickball at the end of the quarter. -
6th grade
My science teacher Mrs.Gurney gave each kid their own copy of the science textbook and she would have us read 1-2 chapters and we would have to do the vocabulary for the chapters. -
7th grade
In 7th grade my english teacher would have us read articles about events in time and we would have to explain what we read in our own words in front of the class. -
8th grade
In 8th grade Mrs.Watts had the class read the book Unbroken and we had to do a work sheet for the chapters. -
9th grade
In Mrs.Jackson's class last year she had us look at paintings and write what we thought they were about and we would discuss it as a class. -
Summer between 9th and 10th grade
When I went to Mississippi i went on a lake vacation with my grandparents and my cousin Keith and my grandma made me and Keith write sentences out of the newspaper before we could go swimming or play pool.